Welcome to Ansible EVPN/VXLAN’s documentation!

Sample project using Ansible and Jinja2 template to generate configurations and manage Juniper devices deployed in EVPN/VXLAN Fabric mode.

In this project you’ll find:
  • Sample project for ansible with Playbooks and variables to generate EVPN/VXLAN configuration for multi-pod EVPN/Fabric in a multi-tenants environment.
  • Examples of configuration EVPN/VXLAN for QFX5k, QFX10k & MX.
  • Severals Jinja2 templates, packaged and documented into Ansible roles that can be reuse in other Ansible projects to easily generate Overlay & Underlay configuration.
  • Playbook to check the health of an EVPN/VXLAN Fabric.


Indices and tables