
All playbooks are stored at the root of the project and are named pb.*.yaml

Configure               # Download configuration for all devices and save them locally

pb.conf.all.yaml                  # Generate and assemble configuration for all devices
pb.conf.all.commit.yaml           # Generate, assemble, push and commit configuration to all devices

# This project has been updated to use the new Junos modules available in Ansible 2.1
# Some playbooks are also provided with the Junipe.junos modules available in Ansible Galaxy.
pb.conf.all.commit.galaxy.yaml    # Generate, assemble, push and commit configuration to all devices
                                  # using the Junos modules provided in Ansible Galaxy


pb.check.connectivity.yaml        # Check if all devices are reachable via Netconf
pb.check.underlay.yaml            # Check the heath of the underlay
pb.check.overlay.yaml             # Check the health of the overlay

Generate Variables

pb.generate.variables.yaml        # Regenerate variables files for p2p links, Tenants and VNI


pb.init.make_clean.yaml           # Create temp directory for all devices